Book Review : Refactoring by Martin Fowler
Brilliant book and must read one for Software engineers and Java developers. Why i emphasis this book? This book would help us to communicate efficiently. When i start reading Gang of 4 book and Head First Design Patterns, i start wondered that "hey, we did that 2 years ago and it should be called "Factory Pattern" etc etc. Giving an industry standard name for an activity is really important and it is the progression of IT industry. Once we are all familiar with naming and concept then our job is very easy to perform and make quality software. Here after i no need to explain moving method from a class to other class because of blah blah reason, just refer Martin Fowler refactoring pattern "Move Method(142)". Through out the book, i was excited to see Martin Fowler captured everything in detail related to refactoring which we facing in our day by day activity. Nowadays IT industry code development become static, thanks to current economic downturn and baby boo...