Independence Day
I’m getting excited when ever India (or any other country) celebrates Independence day because i do care about individual freedom, freedom of thoughts and freedom of everything. I started writing this blog with in my mind to compare India 1947 to India 2010. But I'm not going to do it because India grown mammoth levels in many fronts, comparing with olden times gives us frisson and repletion. When my generation(current leading generation) were kids, studying in school we didn’t imagined this much growth, that giving me nervous about how we(current generation) going to handle this unexpected or unprepared growth of India. Indian constitution was designed to bring every one in to main stream, in other words equality and education to all and social justice, very basic socialism point of view. As far i know, the spirit of Indian constitution is not supported or instrumented for India’s growth which we are enjoying last decade. Now we need to connect the dots, that is one side an ign...