Real Estate burst or natural phenomenon.

The way of life should be includes homeownership. Homeownership is each individual’s dream and must have one. But the current trend thinks me twice to make home buying decision. The matter of fact is already 69% American household are homeowners so we have 31% potential buyers out there to join this American dream. But last week I did read an article in Chicago Tribune that 38 Million American living insecure food intake range, which means, 38 Million American living very low income and they are a generation away to join homeownership club. If you subtract this 38 Million people from potential buyer list then we have only 20% of potential buyers.The future house market will be driven by upgrades, like town home owner moves into single family house and single family house owner will move into some bigger house. So on and so forth…..Here now real winner is whoever already sold house at higher prices in last year peak.


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