Song of God
When I was kid, my mom used to tell me Ramayanam, Mahabaratham the great epics of Hinduism. As a kid, it was fascinating to hear epics as bed time story. One thing, I got interested from those epics is “Bhagavad-Gita” (Song of God) from Mahabaratham. But i still believe both of these epics are myth and superstition. Bhagavad-Gita is holy book for Hindus, like Bible for Christians, Quran for Muslims. Hinduism mainly deals with the way of life, even though Hinduism discourage war and violence, these two main Hindu epics are based on wars and to tell drawbacks of wars. One is between Ram (God) and Ravanan and other one is between cousins with one side got support from God Krishna.
Song of God is the series of advice from God to Arjunan, one of the main characters from Mahabaratham, who is in war with his cousins to reclaim his country, which was lost by his elder brother because of gambling game between cousins. During the final phase of war, Arjunan lost interest of war and he realized that what is the point of fighting with his own cousins, what is the point killing each other for land. His charioteer God Krishna started a conversation with Arjunan to change his mind for war. These dialogues are called Bhaghavad Gita. For some it may see as illogical or meaningless, for some it is the meaning of life. In my opinion, this is one of the best subset from these epics. This is excellent source for self-realization, boost will power, self-esteem and self-confidence. I’m sure that all religion has same or similar concept.
Song of God is the series of advice from God to Arjunan, one of the main characters from Mahabaratham, who is in war with his cousins to reclaim his country, which was lost by his elder brother because of gambling game between cousins. During the final phase of war, Arjunan lost interest of war and he realized that what is the point of fighting with his own cousins, what is the point killing each other for land. His charioteer God Krishna started a conversation with Arjunan to change his mind for war. These dialogues are called Bhaghavad Gita. For some it may see as illogical or meaningless, for some it is the meaning of life. In my opinion, this is one of the best subset from these epics. This is excellent source for self-realization, boost will power, self-esteem and self-confidence. I’m sure that all religion has same or similar concept.
The essence of Gita as follows (Please check at
Whatever happened, it happened for good.
What is happening, is also happening for good.
Whatever will happen, that too will be for good.
What have you lost for which you weep?
What did you bring with you, which you have lost?
What did you produce, which has perished?
You did not bring anything when you were born.
Whatever you have, you have received from Him (God).
Whatever you will give, you will give to Him.
You came empty handed and you will go the same way.
Whatever is yours today, it was somebody else’s yesterday
And it will be somebody else’s tomorrow.
The change is the law of universe.
May God Bless Us All.