Are you ready to share?

This is what president Bush asked people today at his prime time speech. I read some where,  that capitalist don’t want to share anything with others but they want to share evenly their debt and stress with others. That’s exactly happening now in this nation. 2 top administration executives were grilled by lawmakers. Paulson and Bernanke are pressing important bail out plan to pass in Congress. Actually I think lawmakers using this time to impose more strict laws. Paulson keep on sending message to lawmakers about economy imbroglio now. But lawmakers keep on adding supererogatory regulations.

CEO pay is point of discussion now. I think CEO pay is internal to a company. Government’s intervention of top executive’s pay is not good for business, which is not even done in communist China or other socialist countries. But this time the CEO salary cap applied to bail out companies, not all.



Anonymous said…
I think atleast for public companies there should be some strict guidelines around executive pay.
Thanks for your comment Sukumar
Anonymous said…
evenly is the keyword, this was written by Karl Marx they try to share unevenly others but not debt.

Thanks Bob for clarification.

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