What about us?

As usual today morning wake up, had a wonderful breakfast and browsed emails, news sites and started watching Longhorn Vs Sooners football game. Just after noon i asked my wife and kids about plans for lunch, she fired back, “what the hell you are thinking?” “Do you know what is going on outside? It seems that great depression is back, next 10 years it will be recession?”…”But you seems like nothing happened and enjoying and watching football, I don’t know how people are going to survive”….As a gourmand, i was really shocked because my lunch is getting delayed. She started worrying about overall market condition and i noticed since last week she was little upset and i tested with her peers also, everybody seems to me upset because of too much reading about market meltdown and Opera Winfrey talk shows. For me everything going as predicted and i am always following http://ibloggergeek.blogspot.com/2006/11/dont-enjoy-at-success-time.html

Market was already dead and we are waiting for its new avatar. It is not in our control and it is not great depression as per record we are not yet recession stage. After i experienced first recession in U.S (2000 – 2001) at Silicon Valley, here are the things are always I followed.

1. At least 6 months worth of expense money at bank saving/money market account.

2. This is the time all media outlets goes negative, don’t watch too many news channels and talk shows.

3. Regular exercise and drink less coffee keeps our mood very stable.

4. Go outside and talk with friends and relatives, but strictly no economy.

5. Watch football, baseball, college football etc and etc.

For more tips please visit http://ibloggergeek.blogspot.com/2008/04/2008-not-good-so-far-but-how-to-beat-it.html

As per my predication, this issue may not resolve within next 1 week, there is no juju also to resolve this issue. It may go up to first half of next year. We are going to witness an ugly holiday season and plummeting stock market, but stock market wise all are done, everybody sold and there is no stock left for selling unless more of average Joes pulling 401K out. But things will turn around slowly after election. I think the big psychology boost come from next administration’s stance on Iraq war. Based on current projections, Obama leading over McCain with considerable points. So now election is key to boost the investor’s confidence and moreover by the time the bail out package $700 Billion started working in favor of us.

But my wife is 100% right, if we are happy and positive without knowing what is going on outside is deleterious. Even though we are not associated with stock markets also very risky. Because money is the key and it’s reside place should be solid, if the place is shaky then everybody is shaky. The student loan, car loan are really important, we don't want to see drop out college kid and ghost motor city. All over the world investors, who are always positive like ready to sell sky if it falls down, are tremulous. then what about us?


Anonymous said…
Good advice Subba. You are right hopefully after the elections investor confidence will return.
Yes...thats the hope, Thanks for your comments.

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