Social Web 2.0 and privacy, data issues
Whether we like it or not, next big wave of technology space is Web 2.0 (for 2.0 addicts, it is time to explore Web 3.0) and cloud computing. For small start up firms cloud computing is huge cost saving and more importantly time saving. There are two level of security issue arise from Web 2.0 A) Privacy Issue : Use of web 2.0 social sites like blogging, micro blogging, Face Books etc B) Data issue : Data transfer between this sites and cloud providers. First we will look into details of use of social media and its privacy issues.
First time when e-Commerence becomes reality, the same security/privacy become an issue, but now it is a non issue, in fact buying from Amazon is very safe than giving a credit card to a real person for check out. Now social media, we are facing a new level privacy issue, which is not necessary an identity theft, but our own footprint may be revealing us. Our life should be an open book, before some one wants to make connect or hire us they have all rights to know about our interests, dislikes, strength, and weakness. Now this point of time, no one willing to hire any body if she/he doesn’t has a decent online history, at-least a Linkedin profile. Social Medias are saving a huge money and time for employers, potential business partners and even life partners.
Social Medias are great to demonstrate our own strengths, at same time we expose our weakness also, which is balanced, nobody has time now to listen or read our 1 hour lecture or 10 pages resume, more over those can not be validated. The point is rather than fearing or the name of protecting our privacy, not utilizing Social Medias is a big time mistake. What to write, what to avoid is each one’s self judgment, definitely we are not going to write our social security number, mother’s maiden name, home address, salary etc. But it is true that what ever we write may be taken as in wrong context but it is unavoidable because most of the times what ever we say also misunderstood, it is all depends on who is reading/listening and their IQ level.
For example, if i write “my wife is lazy when i ask something in favor when i watch football” The context is funny, passive-aggressive, the core is most of the wives doesn’t like husband watching all the time some sports, what if some one interrupt that wife = woman so women are lazy, my writing is against women and i’m male chauvinist. We can ignore those claims, we didn’t violate any law or morale here.
The real danger is kids and teen’s exposure to online but believe me we can’t stop these net generations from touching computer, all we have to do is provide some mechanism to prevent our kid’s information ends with wrong persons. My advice is we have to constantly watch our kids Face book, My Space profiles and how they are interacting with others, may be we can be in their friend list so that we can see all updates and their friend list. Now Social Media has matured, they constantly removing some convict and offenders profiles and more scrutiny towards each profile.