Cheer up
As soon as we are into New Year 2011, we are all some kind of jubilant mood and after some time it fade away. It is very natural but based on my research New Year is the one which creates lot of enthusiasm but won’t keep up. One of main reason is, weather wise January is dull month and most depressive day of the year falls on January 25th that is exactly a month after Christmas, to add salt, all credit card bill start arriving on around last week of January which has most of our Christmas gift shopping.
As a blogger my job is to encourage all of you to keep up your new year resolutions and cheer up during these depressive days.
Here are some tips.
- Normal people set 1 or 2 goals and try to achieve at least 80-90% of end result. So don’t set some aggressive goals.
- The average times before people to quit smoking are 9. So believe me, if you couldn’t keep up resolution please don’t depress try again and again.
- Do most of fun activity during first months of a year. For example, i started blogging regularly from a January month which was very relaxing moments to forget weather and mind concentrated on one activity, now i’m helping my son to complete his Star wars Complete saga Xbox game, again believe me his yelling at me when i screwed up anything is really fun.
- Plan for spring and summer during January and February. Whenever i say plan that doesn’t mean that step by step project plan kind of thing. All we need is, if our resolution is weight less, and then read about bicycle, trails information’s,explore groups and get a complete picture of bicycling.
- Resolutions are not made for New Year’s only. We can set resolutions any time of the year like birthdays, father day and anniversary etc.
- Resolutions aren't final either, modify/add based on our own choices.
- If your resolution is related to money/saving, then please use good money management software or use your bank’s online services.
- Donate money to charity or volunteer during these initial months A) this time of year elderly and poor people need more help B) the satisfaction from that keep on us to roll this entire year.