Big format war.

There is a big format war between Toshiba and Sony regarding high definition DVD. Toshiba backing up with HD DVD format and Sony backing up with Blu-ray format. The main difference is, which technology to use for interaction, Java based BD-J or Microsoft based HDi. Now HD-DVD soon going to be end of life(EOL). Couple of weeks ago, BestBuy(largest US retailer) announced that their preferred format would be Blu-ray, to make things worse for HD DVD, today Netflix (largest DVD renter) says no to HD DVD format. Lot of customers like me, has been waiting for long time to buy high definition DVD player but confused with which one to buy. I think now we have clear idea, how industry heading to in terms of high definition DVD format.

As per following graph from wiki, clearly majority of studios are in favor of Blu-ray but 2 major studios are still with HD DVD. Universal and paramount are leading movie producers and their market share is huge. So best bet would be wait for some more time before making decision.


Anonymous said…
i bet studios are still debating on this issue...
anything can happen in a couple of years..may be a whole new format other than these two..:))

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