Taste of Knight Rider again.

It is more than 20 years after today NBC telecasted one of my favorite serial Knight Rider again. Last series was telecasted in Sri Lanka TV as soon as NBC telecasted here in USA, We took advantage of being geographically close with Sri Lanka. Knight Rider starts all Wednesday at 7.30 PM IST, we get ready to watch it by 6.30PM itself. As a kid I enjoyed the series a lot.

Now again in NBC today, it is Knight Rider 2 hour movie, this time KIIT is like Windows Vista with compare to early KIIT, which was like Windows 2.0. Integration with spy camera, image matching, solar energy fuel all are advance invention for KIIT. Today KIIT using C21 cargo plane for transportation. This time also I enjoyed the show as I did it 20 years ago as kid.


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