Tips to save gas.
There are several ways to save gas during this peak travel time. But here are some funny ideas, use it at your own risk.
1. Re-program your navigation system to show directions only by right turns to reach your destination. Left turn signal taking too much time nowadays and we are wasting lot of fuel. If you are living out side US, program other way around. UPS really considering this option.
2. Just in case the above step is not doable, while waiting on left signal, if there is no traffic and you are in small drive way, get out of your car and push pedestrian walking button on the main road crossing, some times the main signal turns red immediately and you might get a chance to go fast. This is something, I'm not joking, day before yesterday, the driver who waited beside to me for left turn, really did it, but it didn't work out :).
3. If you are planing on long drive by car, clean your car, if possible do a 2-3 times of vacuum because weight increase would take lot of fuel. There is nothing wrong to remove spare tire from trunk and other unnecessary items also.
4. Always travel on night because excessive heat at day time may consume more gas if you switch on A/C full swing.
5. Use over drive gear if you are traveling on high slope roads. This would decrease gas consumption.
If nothing is working out, don't quote on me. Please use public transport, check tire pressure, buy a hybrid car,more car pooling, bicycle for shorter trips, go long trips by train or bus.