Manage situation before it controls you...

Most of the times in our life we are in good situation, but often due to law of nature, sometimes we are in bad situation. When ever a situation controls you, you might loose control of yourself. A situation in this context is blanket term. A situation can be good, bad, confrontation, anger, sad or happy. All uncontrolled situation can be bad for our health and wealth. When we start with our career at young age, lets say 21 years of old, we don't know what is even situation is. We just come and go after completing our tasks and enjoy our life. After getting married and having kids, we have to know how to manage situation cleverly and efficiently otherwise we have to carry enormous burden on our own, even sometimes our family also have to share the burden for us.

Most of us, try to play our game by the principle "don't drop ball". Don't drop ball is good and very honest way of doing our day by day job and reaching high on our career. But if we are stick with don't drop ball after having family and kids, we are vulnerable to "controlled by situation" person. If some situation happen to you, drop the ball and step back, analysis the situation, found an alternate way or delegate something and then carry the ball until you reach goal line. There is nothing wrong with that. If we are adamant to carry the ball all the time without dropping, each situation would make our life a living hell.

At the end of the day, our health, our family and our career is important to our life. We can make ton of money if we are in good health, good family support and good career. If we want to achieve all of this, drop the ball and step back and analysis when some situation demanding you to do so.


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