
This subject is more than what I can fathom. But try to make some sense out of it. Evolution is important for all of us, particularly people who come from developing countries (I’m talking about 1970/1980s India). We start from a very basic life, basic lifestyle, basic needs and we live our life very minimum level. Millions of us were born and died without evolving much, it was not their mistake, we did not have many opportunities back then other than agriculture. The evolution became mainstream after India opens the market for all and the economic revolution during the 1990s. We marched towards the 21st century with various options rather than some mere options. When I start thinking more, there are more people still living in the same way of life which we used in the 1970s and 1980s. They are missing or not joining the greater economic revolutions which started back in the early 1990s. For almost 25 years we have had this opportunity wide open, but people are not boarded with the evolution. I identified several factors involved in these impediments. They are as follows.
Ego: I believe still we are thinking superior in our mind even though we are not. This is mainly happening to higher caste people. They think that they are still higher based on caste or religion and not willing to take part in opportunities available throughout the world. They are stuck in a false sense of mind.
Apathy: This is another thing lacking some people due to a enough mindset rather than a scarcity mindset. The scarcity mindset is important for the young generation, they need to search more and more to improve their lives and to evolve.
Addiction: Addicted to some substances/places/routines are the other reason not to evolve much. So many people are stuck in the same place because they have some addiction with some form


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