India – Happy Independence Day

Today is our 61st Independence Day. India is getting mature and mature, still a long way to go to achieve developed country status. A long ago, a friend of mine, argued with me that why India is one country, it should be European Union format. 28 states are mainly based on languages and different cultures and we can’t be in a single umbrella. I also prematurely nod to that argument. I just compared European Union success and thought that was a great idea. But both me and him are missed an important history of our country and geography dependence on each one. We were separated by tens of thousands kingdoms before British conquered us. This kingdoms are heavily depends on each other for resources, mainly foods. Indian food habit is not same as western. Even we are depending on each other for small food grains.

For example, Chera kingdom depends on Travancore kingdom for coconuts and Travancore kingdom depends on Martha for onions. In other words, none of the kingdoms were fully natural resource self sufficient, not only foods, all others also. Andhra is producing more rice than any other state, but lacking a lot of other commodities. Punjab is producing more wheat than any others, but lacking a lot on others. Assam is producing more oil than any others but no food produce at all. If we draw a dependence map, we can realize that we should be in one country, our dependence on each other can't be solved by import/export. The food is basic, that’s why I emphasize here, for all other natural resource also we are depend on each other.

We are the only one can lead other countries to, how to enjoy freedom, unity even within difference cultures and languages, that ultimately leads to ONE WORLD ONE HUMAN.


Anonymous said…
Good post Subba. You are right we are an interdependent economy. As Nehru put it - Unity in Diversity.
Thanks Sukumar...

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