What is exactly EQ?

It was a bitter cold winter night, the time was almost 3:00AM and we were setting up initial customers in our system but there was an issue with customer data. We had 2 choices A) Go to home sleep and come back morning and discuss with Sales/Marketing team and explain to boss about the delay, manage the outcomes B) Immediately call Marketing Analyst to fix the issue. The war room was filed with highly IQ, techie people, they decided to go with option B, and we called him early morning 3.00 AM to fix an issue. The good news is we fixed the issue and money started flowing but bad news is we about to going to lose a veteran marketing analyst because he was frustrated with late night calls and lost many future millions.

The reason why we choose the option B is, we were lacking Emotional Intelligence. Several researches suggested that “Einstein's superior intellectual ability may have been related to the region of his brain that supports psychological functions. In other words, according to Newsweek science reporter Steven Levy, "When it comes to appreciating the most famous brain of our century, it ain't the meat - it's the emotion."”.

EQ is nothing but using emotional side of brain to understand, sense other’s emotion and perspectives and using common sense to resolve human’s conflicts. In other words, learning how to see world in color is EQ. There are lot of successful products invented because of frustration by an individual and their desire to fix the issue for entire humanity.

Why most of us lacking emotional intelligence, actually left side of brain usually process “What” and right side of brain processes “How”. Our traditional educational system always concentrates on left side of brain since we are all left dominate. We all know “what” is going on but we don’t know “how” to fix/help it. The balance approach of left and right is important to increase EQ. In order to help others, first we need to understand “what” is the problem? And then suspend left brain and start right side “How” to fix it? So if we develop right side of the brain “How” comes quickly.

There are several research papers, books available regarding EQ but as usual what ever related to brain and our activity, we have to practice it a lot.



Sibu said…
You should read 'Emotional Intelligence' a famous book on closely related topic
Ok...Sibu, thanks for your comment
Good post. The initial story is an excellent intro (hook) for the post. Sibu is right. You may want to read Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, the guy who coined the term.
Thanks Sukumar for your comment. Yes, I'm going to read the book.

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