The Hitchhiker's Guide(1) to the Liquidation

As I said before, nowadays making money is very easy, if you aren’t then government gives you some [Just Kidding]. The point is, comparatively with earlier generations, because of global economy and free trade and so many things make money available to everybody now. As long as, we have a decent education with IQ over 100 can get a decent salaried job for most of the people in this world [An idealist statement though]. Now we have money and how to manage it and how to spend it wisely and what to buy and what to avoid and where to invest and how to liquidate and rebuild the wealth is big questions. A common average human doesn’t know that hence we need a intelligent MBA grads to manage our wealth. The last decade’s extraordinary demand for a top notch business school MBA grades also because of we don’t know how to manage our own money. The downturn and economical instability also because of us, each individual doesn’t know how to manage it properly. All money going to one direction for a long time and then stops is the main reason for recessions, in other words we are putting all of our eggs into one box and let other’s decide what to do with that with the pool of money.

As far as I know people loosing money because they don’t know how to build a wealth and then liquidate it wisely at correct time and rebuild it. We average human tend to become greedy when we involve with money, we try to emotionally attached with it, and we don’t know how to treat money as a commodity and work with it as professional manner. In capitalism, liquidate an old business and rebuild a new a business is common one. I’m not here talking about a compulsory liquidation or some sort business related. Just how we manage our portfolio and how to sell stocks, assets, or other investments at right time to rebuild our wealth.

130 Years ago my great-great grandfather bought some land for Rs 200.00.Now the land value is Rs 2 million (9999% growth). Are we a good investor? I would say no, Indian stock market soars from index 1 to index 17,000(19999%) with in the same period of time because Indian stock market was created on around the same period when my great-great grandfather bought the land. Either my great grandfather or my grandfather should have been sold some of the land (liquidate) to reinvest with stocks. Imaging my inheritance amount would be Rs 200 Million [I’m not greedy just proving my point]. Let’s see how to liquidate and some important points at next post.


Interesting post. Look forward to your tips.
Thanks Sukumar. I'm still researching and very soon i'll publish the second part.

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