Spill BP Spill

The System
As an immigrate from socialist dominate country, U.S's capitalist system is blessing for us. There won't be any regulations or permission to start business in this country, all you need is bright idea and investment. The world class businesses were started by trailblazers in U.S, who otherwise feel shy or hate to ask permission for each and everything from government or impatient with bureaucracy. For example, in India very well educated bright college graduates immigrates to U.S for the same reason, learn, start business and prosper more and more, which was nearly impossible in India or China and most of far eastern countries. The system worked very well until 2000 after that we had several issues and now U.S government running manufacturing companies to financial companies to now providing brain to stop the spill which caused by an oil giant who made $14 Billion profit last year.

The System - Overdosed
I think fundamentally we are having an overdose of Capitalism, or other words private governed society. All the methods/systems has flaws, none of them are perfect, but the problem with U.S is, there is no one available to point them or direct them to right path. When communists were overdosed themselves, U.S started war against them, they are critic to several country's system, economic improvement, imposed tough rules who played the game wrongfully, everything analysed carefully as outsiders but who is outsider for U.S to make them to go right direction. No one as of now. Can internal readjustment tools operate to self-correct them? Possibly but not certainly unless some big push from all level.

The System - Issues
Current system in nutshell, Any one can start business, they can create any innovative products, they can sell it and make profit of it. For some businesses they have to get permission from government but those are only for papers. One company asking permission to drill at 5000 feet below sea level but they don't have a research and development group within their organization. They not even passes a basic eligibility to drill at high risk places. How come government allow them first place is basic question? When we try to get U.S.A immigration visa, there would be around 50-60 questions related to our background and educations and skills but once we reach here, want to drill something in gulf, no questions asked all we need is, some pipe and punch of drilling machine ( pun intended ).

The System - Future
We don't need a totalitarian government to govern all aspect of business now, if we do, our business openness glory would be endanger. All we need is,
1. some proactive findings about business's motive
2. possible risks awareness
3. challenge businesses consistently with their new innovation products.
4. create a risk mitigate plan with business.
5. promote sharing mentality with in business, for example, ExxonMobile has world class R&D team and solid technology to stop spills.
6. recognize players who plays based on rule and award them, possible tax breaks.


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