ADHD - Is it over hyped?

While browsing some science articles for last 1 hour or so, I found that there is increase demand of ADHD prescription in US year over year. This got me think,that we are over hyped with kids normal behaviour as ADHD. I know in adults, somebody would get blame if he or she finished their task well before expected time and out perform others in all way, which is, tolerable and it is pure non-sense of annoyed co-workers who unable to cope with fast paced work environment.
But when coming to kids part is not like that, we have to be very careful before consulting doctor. Nowadays kids are out smart than our generation, this is because of science and technology advancement. Each one has to carefully determine their kid's behaviour and make judgement based on there best knowledge after they get more complaints from school. Because this ADHD drugs are very addictive and cause some brain damage to kids. All of us working hard and making money for our kids future hence we can't jeopardize there future by our own hands.


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